Non-invasive aesthetic treatments have gained significant popularity over the last several years, going up by 43 percent in the past decade. It’s simple to understand why; even though you are at a healthy weight, there will always be a few fat pockets that unbalance your contour and can make you feel self-conscious. There are plenty of options to get the results you desire, but laser body sculpting is the top choice for many women and men.

When included in a personalized plan, body sculpting can help you look slimmer with just a few treatments. EMSCULPT NEO® and Morpheus8™ are the go-to options for many, as these treatments offer a comprehensive approach to body sculpting.

Why Choose Laser for Body Sculpting?

Unlike traditional fat-burning techniques, such as exercise, body sculpting can target the fat that you intend to burn. For instance, if you have fat on your abdomen that won’t budge, stubborn banana rolls, or intrusive love handles, modern body sculpting techniques ensure you can treat that specific area. 

While surgical procedures like liposuction can bring beautiful results, they are also associated with potential downtime. This can be a concern for those who cannot take time off work for recovery purposes. In this sense, a non-invasive procedure is a better choice, as it lets patients return to work right away.

Best Laser Procedures for Body Contouring

Body contouring can be done using multiple non-invasive treatments. The right choice depends on the imperfections you want to treat. The most popular combination of laser treatments involves the following: 


EMSCULPT NEO® is a procedure that combines high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM+) and radiofrequency (RF) to target excess fat. The former sends electromagnetic pulses into your muscles to stimulate contractions, similar to exercise. The latter moves through the skin and targets excess fat cells, disrupting their hold. 

Unlike the average exercise session that only triggers a couple hundred (perhaps a few thousand) contractions, EMSCULPT NEO® produces around 20,000. This is much more than you can reach in half an hour at the gym with voluntary exercise. Fat reduction is also targeted in the treated area, which means that you can tone and sculpt the body in a few sessions. 

The first effects of EMSCULPT NEO® become visible within a month or two, as the body begins releasing the damaged fat. With regular exercise, you can improve your core strength and strengthen your muscles, which can help you look more toned without having to rely on extensive workouts.

  • Morpheus8™

While the RF aspect of EMSCULPT NEO® can help improve the quality of your skin gradually, it does very little against significant sagging. This is where the Morpheus8™ treatment works. 

By combining microneedling and RF energy, Morpheus8™ triggers collagen and elastin production in the skin. This leads to a skin-tightening effect, which can be beneficial for those who have lost significant amounts of weight. Stretch marks are frequently resolved with this procedure, as Morpheus8™ starts a long-term healing process in the skin.

The radiofrequency part of the Morpheus8™ treatment can also reduce excess subcutaneous fat. This treatment alone can diminish excess skin sagging and fat loss once you have reached your body weight goal. However, in combination with EMSCULPT NEO®, Morpheus8™ can improve your overall results.

Ideal Areas for Body Sculpting 

The EMSCULPT NEO® and Morpheus8™ combo can be used on different areas where you have unwanted body fat. However, the most common areas include: 

  • Abs: EMSCULPT NEO® can strengthen your muscles and reduce belly fat, whereas Morpheus8™ can address the skin “pooch.”
  • Buttocks: EMSCULPT NEO® can firm and lift your bottom, whereas Morpheus8™ can reduce the presence and appearance of cellulite.
  • Arms: EMSCULPT NEO® improves tricep and bicep definition, whereas Morpheus8™ reduces the presence of “bat wings.”
  • Thighs: EMSCULPT NEO® tightens and tones the inner thighs, whereas Morpheus8™ tightens skin to smooth out dimpled areas.
  • Flanks: EMSCULPT NEO® fits naturally along the flanks to penetrate deeply and evenly, reducing fat cells, whereas Morpheus8™ tightens skin, reduces fat, and improves cellulite by stimulating collagen and remodeling underlying tissues.

A consultation with Dr. Ariel Ostad can determine whether or not you are a good candidate for these treatments.

Start Your Body Sculpting Journey Today!

Body sculpting is no longer attained through long hours at the gym or restrictive diets. Now, you can rely on lasers to refine your shape and give you an elegant contour. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ariel Ostad today to achieve your dream body!

For more information about effective body contouring techniques, contact Dr. Ariel Ostad at 212-517-7900. He can create a personalized plan to define your contour. You can also fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you soon!

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