As you age, your jawline begins to lose its definition. Your jowls become more prominent, and your sagging skin often makes you look like you have a double chin, even though there is no extra fat. Jawline contouring can help you achieve that elegant facial profile you are hoping for. Dr. Ariel Ostad offers jawline contouring services so that your jawline can look nice and sculpted.



If you have a weak jawline that creases or the skin seems to drop, creating the impression of a double chin, then you may need jawline contouring. All women and men over the age of 18 are eligible for jawline contouring, whether the procedure involves surgery or not.

If you want to make your jawline look fuller or want to create a more defined line to separate the neck from your jaw, then you may be a good candidate for jawline contouring. This procedure can also help you to achieve a younger look, so if you have wrinkling or sagging skin in the area, it may help reduce its appearance. People with jawline asymmetry may also benefit from this technique.

Each case is different, which is why an initial consultation will be necessary. This way, Dr. Ariel Ostad can determine which jawline contouring procedure works best so that you can obtain the desired results.

How Jawline Contouring Works

Jawline contouring works by using various techniques to correct and address issues in the jawline area. This includes excess fat, sagging jowls, weak jawlines, and many more. For instance, women may use jawline contouring to obtain a more delicate facial contour, whereas men may use it to get a sharper, well-defined jawline.
Several procedures may be used for jawline contouring, based on the conclusions of the initial consultation. The most common are dermal fillers, which can add more definition while restoring lost volume. Injectable fat-reduction substances, like KYBELLA®, may also be used to reduce under-chin fat, giving your jawline and neck a better, more defined contour.

Thread lifting, Permanent Suture Suspension (MyEllevate®), and energy-based therapy, such as radiofrequency (FaceTite®), are also great solutions to improve the contour of the jawline.In addition, liposuction under local anesthesia with micro-cannulas create outstanding benefits to remove double chin and create a sharp jawline in cases where excess fat is responsible.
Jawline contouring takes an average of 30 minutes, but this will depend on the type of treatment used. Depending on the case, different treatments for jawline contouring will be combined for you to get the results that you want. For instance, if you want to add more volume while getting a lift, a combination of thread lift and dermal fillers may be used. Dr. Ariel Ostad will determine the right route after examining your jawline.



The recovery period may differ based on the procedure you had. The downtime can be between a day and a week, depending on whether you had surgery or not. For example, if dermal fillers were used for jawline contouring, the potential for downtime is minimal. An initial consultation is often necessary to provide an average recovery time for the treatment.

Post-procedure swelling and bruising may occur during the recovery period, but they will fade over time. You may also notice itching along with some discomfort as the site heals, but it should go away within a few days. Refrain from touching or scratching at the area so that you don’t prolong the recovery period.


You should notice the first jawline contouring results right after the procedure, although they may be concealed by the mild swelling. For this reason, you may be able to enjoy the full results in one to two weeks after getting the contouring procedure done. To make sure you get the best results, we recommend that you sleep on your back for the next few days. This way, you will not add unnecessary pressure to the healing site, compromising your results.

Jawline contouring is often non-surgical, which means the results are rarely permanent. If dermal fillers are used, the effects can last between one and two years, depending on the filler used. The exact period may also depend on factors such as your exercise regimen, your metabolism, and whether you follow the aftercare instructions or not. To make your results last longer, make sure that you drink plenty of water and use sunblock as recommended. Schedule any touch-up treatments as necessary to maintain your newly contoured jawline!

Learn more about Jawline Contouring

Dr. Ariel Ostad

Dr. Ariel Ostad has seen patients for this service from all over the tri-state area, including Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, New York City, the Bronx, Harlem, Astoria, Queens, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more. If you are interested in any of the services offered at the Office of Dr. Ariel Ostad, please contact us for more information.

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Dr. Ariel Ostad has seen patients for this service from all over the tri-state area, including Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, New York City, the Bronx, Harlem, Astoria, Queens, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more. If you are interested in any of the services offered at the Office of Dr. Ariel Ostad, please contact us for more information.

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