Visible veins are a very common condition that tends to worsen as you age. An average of 40 percent of men and 70 percent of women struggle with this by the time they reach 60 as the veins become even more visible as the collagen depletes. These veins are often not a cause for concern and are mostly harmless, but they can still make you self-conscious.

There are plenty of options to address visible veins, including lasers. However, the most popular procedure is sclerotherapy, which treats the veins from the inside. In this blog, you can learn more about sclerotherapy and what to expect from the procedure.

What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a treatment in which a sclerotic agent is injected into your varicose veins, the irritant causing inflammation and blood coagulation. This process causes the walls of the blood vessels to narrow, thinning out until they eventually collapse. The procedure is mostly used for spider and varicose veins but can also be employed for visible blood vessels. 

After the sclerosing agent takes effect, the flowing blood is rerouted through other blood vessels. This makes the procedure virtually harmless, making it a suitable option for those looking for a low-risk alternative. The damaged blood vessels will then be broken down and removed naturally by the body, leaving you with smooth, blemish-free skin.

Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy comes with numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Better Confidence in Skin Appearance

Unsightly veins, whether they are spider or varicose, can make you feel uncomfortable and cause you to hide underneath layers of clothes. The sprawling blue or purple veins keep you from wearing your favorite shorts or cause you to keep your hands hidden. Sclerotherapy can help diminish their look, improving your confidence.

  • Effective Treatment

Sclerotherapy works very well for most patients, no matter the type of vein you are treating. 80 percent of patients notice a significant improvement when being treated for their unwanted veins. For those whose veins are particularly stubborn, Dr. Ostad can recommend alternative options like laser treatments with CUTERA®.

  • Non-Surgical

Unwanted veins can be treated surgically, but this often involves some discomfort during recovery. Sclerotherapy is non-surgical and minimally invasive, as all it requires is a needle in your veins. This means that the side effects are minimal – the most you’ll experience is some bruising and redness in the injection site for a few days. No anesthesia is required either, so you can go home right after the treatment.

  • Fast Results

Sclerotherapy treatments can bring fast results once the injected agent closes the vein. If you are treating small spider veins, you will likely see improvement within three to six weeks. However, if you have a more prominent vein to deal with, it can take a couple of months for the vein to close completely.

How to Make the Most of Your Sclerotherapy Treatments

For the most part, once your spider and varicose veins have been treated, their chances of returning are slim to none. However, sometimes, new veins may work their way to the surface of your skin. This often happens with age, when the collagen levels are lower, causing the epidermis to thin out and vessels to become visible.

To prevent the formation of new veins, we suggest that you stay physically active while keeping a balance between sitting and standing times. Smoking and alcohol should also be avoided, and a healthy diet is recommended. If you were advised to wear compression stockings, do so as instructed. You can schedule a new sclerotherapy treatment if you notice new veins appearing.


CUTERA® excel® V laser is a state-of-the-art vascular laser that treats facial redness, sun spots, sun-damaged skin, rosacea, acne, wrinkles, and spider veins! This laser works by using a high-power green laser to target abnormal blood vessels and pigment in the skin. As these vessels are targeted, they are eliminated and skin is returned to its natural color and tone. There is minimal downtime of redness for two to three days.

Get Rid of Visible Veins!

Sclerotherapy is a great treatment if you are bothered by visible veins and wish to eliminate them. Whether they are on your legs or your hands, this treatment can help you obtain even-colored skin without any redness. Contact Dr. Ariel Ostad for sclerotherapy treatment right now!

For more information about sclerotherapy and treating visible veins, you can contact Dr. Ariel Ostad at 212-517-7900. He can offer all the details you need to make an informed decision. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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