While large breasts are often a source of pride for women, the same thing does not apply to men. Caused either by hormonal changes or weight gain, over-developed breast tissue can create self-consciousness in men. This can lead them to seek gynecomastia surgery, which is a procedure that reduces excess tissue in the pectoral area. Dr. Ariel Ostad can help treat gynecomastia in every patient who wants to gain more confidence in themselves!



If you have a weak jawline that creases or the skin seems to drop, creating the impression of a double chin, then you may need jawline contouring. All women and men over the age of 18 are eligible for jawline contouring, whether the procedure involves surgery or not.

If you want to make your jawline look fuller or want to create a more defined line to separate the neck from your jaw, then you may be a good candidate for jawline contouring. This procedure can also help you to achieve a younger look, so if you have wrinkling or sagging skin in the area, it may help reduce its appearance. People with jawline asymmetry may also benefit from this technique.

Each case is different, which is why an initial consultation will be necessary. This way, Dr. Ariel Ostad can determine which jawline contouring procedure works best so that you can obtain the desired results.

How Gynecomastia Works

Gynecomastia surgery removes excess tissue in the breast area, bringing it to a more suitable shape for the body. The surgery can take multiple approaches, depending on the reason behind the gynecomastia. If excess fat is the cause of your enlarged breasts, then liposuction can be included in the procedure to downsize the breast appearance. On the other hand, if gynecomastia is caused by excess breast tissue that does not respond to hormonal treatment, excision is the preferred route. In some cases, a combination of both options is used. 

If you need liposuction, the excess fat is removed through a thin cannula inserted in several incision points. Dr. Ariel Ostad uses tumescent liposuction, which creates less stress on the body and reduces recovery time. Excess fat is suctioned out using a vacuum tool as the cannula is moved back and forth through the treatment area.

If you have excess glandular tissue that requires excision, incisions will be created to remove it. The incision can be hidden in the areola to reduce the size of the glandular tissue. The incision can also be made lower on the breast tissue, in a spot where it can be concealed. The correct


Gynecomastia Recovery

As gynecomastia surgery requires incisions, you can expect to experience downtime and a recovery period. The average recovery time is around four to six weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure. Depending on how the patient is feeling after surgery, they may want to take time off of work for a week, as they will likely experience swelling and pain within the first few days. The discomfort eases in about one to two weeks, and you should start feeling like your usual self by the end of the month. 

Gynecomastia surgery will likely come with some physical pain, especially once the anesthesia wears off. Patients can take TYLENOL® to control their discomfort. Wear the surgical garment as instructed, as it helps to minimize the swelling. A small tube might also be placed underneath the skin, allowing excess fluid or blood to collect. Make sure to keep the area as clean as possible to avoid infection.

To make the most of your recovery, avoid alcohol and smoking for at least two days. Cold compresses can be used to keep the swelling at a minimum. Make sure to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. You should also get plenty of rest during the first week.


Gynecomastia Results

For the most part, gynecomastia results take effect immediately but are concealed by the post-surgical swelling. You will also wear surgical dressing after the surgery, which will hide the initial results of your gynecomastia surgery. Most patients notice the first results within two weeks after the procedure, but the final results could take three to six months to settle.

To make the most of your results, follow Dr. Ostad’s recommendations and make sure that you follow a healthy diet to keep fat-caused gynecomastia from returning. If gynecomastia is caused by hormonal issues, then prescription medicine might be given to prevent a recurrence.

Medical-grade skincare products that will help maintain and enhance your results

These skincare products combined with your treatment plan customized by Dr. Ostad will help enhance your results and improve your overall skin texture. Click on a product below to learn more.

Dr. Ariel Ostad has seen patients for this service from all over the tri-state area, including Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, New York City, the Bronx, Harlem, Astoria, Queens, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more. If you are interested in any of the services offered at the Office of Dr. Ariel Ostad, please contact us for more information.

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