After you get an injury or go through surgery, there is a good chance that you will end up with some type of scar. Depending on its location, the scar may affect your self-esteem, but luckily, there are ways to make it less visible.

This patient was treated with Fraxel Restore Laser.

To reduce the appearance of a scar, you can go through a scar revision procedure. There are different techniques available, depending on the size of the scar, but the results are impressive. In this blog, you will learn the basics of scar revision so that you’ll know exactly what to expect.

What Is Scar Revision?

A scar revision is a type of treatment that aims to reduce the appearance of scars. 

Scars are the marks that remain on your skin after your wounds finish healing and are, for the most part, permanent. The goal of scar revision is to bring the scarred area to a texture and color that is closer to the surrounding skin. 

Scar revision can take on many forms, from creams (which usually have minimal improvement) to injections, injectables like filler, microneedling, lasers, and finally surgery. The purpose is to kickstart the healing process and collagen production in the scarred area. While it does not usually eliminate scars completely, scar revision can help reduce their appearance enough for you to feel comfortable.

Types of Scars

Scars can vary based on their size, shape, color, or location. They can be raised, or they can be depressed, they can be white or red, or they can cause movement inconveniences. With that in mind, here are the most common types of scars:

  • Contracture Scars

Contracture scars can limit the natural movement of the skin. This happens because, during the healing process, the underlying skin and tissue will pull together. This scar is very common when you lose a good chunk of skin, which usually happens in an accident or burn. 

  • Keloid Scars

Keloids are those that keep growing and become bigger than the original wound. This often happens when your body is producing an excessive amount of collagen. They are most common among people with darker skin. A keloid scar can either bring an itchy feeling or actual pain.

  • Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are the most common types of scars, and they tend to form around the site of the wound. These scars are generally raised and thick and can be of a light or a dark color. 

  • Sunken, Pitted, or Atrophic Scars

Sunken or pitted scars are often caused by skin conditions like chickenpox or acne. Also referred to as “ice pick” scars, they have a depressed form and cause underlying volume loss. 

This patient was treated with our Cutera Laser.

Common Scar Revision Treatments

Depending on the type of scar and its severity, you may opt for the following scar treatment options:

  • Topical Treatments

If you have small scars that are not too raised or visible, Dr. Ostad may prescribe a topical treatment for your skin. For instance, if you have acne scars, you may be prescribed a retinoic acid (Retin-A) to lighten the scar and renew the skin and stimulate collagen. The product will depend on how big the scar is. 

  • Injectable Treatments

If you have concave or depressed scars, dermal fillers may be used to fill in those gaps. The effects are usually temporary, but repeated dermal filler injections may trigger your collagen production enough to reduce the scar over time. Also, medication like Kenalog (a corticosteroid) or 5- fluorouracil can also be used to reduce thickened, raised or hypertrophic scars. 

  • Laser Resurface Treatments

Several types of surface treatments may also be able to improve the appearance of scars. These treatments will either remove the top layer of the skin or trigger your skin’s healing process once more. Most common treatments include laser therapy like Fraxel Restore, PicoWay Laser, or Fraxel CO2. Microneedling with radiofrequency energy, also known as Morpheus 8, can also be used to help reduce acne scarring. 

This patient was treated with our PicoWay Laser.

  • Surgery

At times, bigger scars may require surgery to be removed. Dr. Ostad may surgically remove the scar and close your skin for better healing. Depending on the size of the scar, skin grafts or flaps may also be used.

Book Your Scar Revision Procedure!

Scar revisions represent a great way to reduce those scars that are making you feel self-conscious. Whether the scar is on your face or your body, scar revision can help you obtain the smooth skin that you had before. Schedule an appointment and enjoy your scar-free skin. 

For more information on scar revisions, you can get in touch with Dr. Ariel Ostad at 212-517-7900. He would be more than happy to help you through the process. You can also use the provided online contact form to ask your questions or set up an appointment.

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