There’s no better time than the present to take care of yourself. Whether you have been dieting and exercising for a while or you’ve just gained a few extra unwanted pounds, having an ideal body shape can really change how you (and unfortunately others) look at yourself. Ariel Ostad MD PC offers body-sculpting treatments that can provide new contours and increase confidence in both men and women.

Sculpting your physique with CoolSculpting® and KYBELLA® has never been easier! Both treatments are non-surgical and offer similar results in about three months’ time (depending on the patient and the method chosen). For a surgical approach, liposuction is also a great fat-reduction procedure. Learn more about these game-changing, body-sculpting treatments!


CoolSculpting® is a fat-freezing technology that freezes unwanted, stubborn fat from nine different areas of the body. This process does not damage the skin, tissues, or vessels, and it is completely non-surgical. CoolSculpting® uses freezing and suction in the treatment area to kill the fat cells, and then they will be naturally eliminated over time. This technology is not a weight-loss procedure, so patients need to make sure they are near or at their goal weight before their treatment and understand that it is for removing stubborn fat cells from hard-to-reach areas of the body. 

The nine areas include:

  • Under the chin and jawline
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Flanks
  • Banana roll (underneath the buttocks)


KYBELLA® isn’t necessarily for complete body sculpting, but it does help to complement your body. You wouldn’t only cut one side of your hair and not the other, right?! So let’s not forget about your beautiful face when contouring the rest of your body. KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that is designed to destroy fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your facial profile. Submental fullness can be the cause of self-consciousness while taking selfies, being on a Zoom call for work, or even on FaceTime with your loved ones. With KYBELLA®, there’s no reason to hide your double chin. KYBELLA® is comprised of deoxycholic acid, which helps break down and absorb fat under the chin. It permanently destroys fat cells and disables the cells from accumulating or storing fat in the future.


For men and women who are looking at a surgical approach for fat removal, then liposuction is the answer. Liposuction is the most versatile procedure to remove fat in places that you no longer want it in. Liposuction is minimally invasive. A small incision is made, and a cannula is inserted into the incision to loosen and suction out subcutaneous fat in the treatment area. Though liposuction removes fat, it is also not a weight-loss procedure; however, it can create a beautifully contoured and defined physique. 

Making Your Results Last

Even though the fat is gone with CoolSculpting®, liposuction, and KYBELLA®, it is not always a permanent solution. Patients may need multiple treatment sessions to achieve desired results. A personalized consultation with Dr. Ariel Ostad will determine the number of sessions needed to attain your goals. It is also important that patients continue on with a healthy lifestyle, including eating right, exercising, and hydrating to ensure that new fat doesn’t accumulate in the treated area. 

Body-sculpting treatments can really transform your mind and body. Taking care of yourself, no matter what capacity, is always something to strive for. If something makes you feel great, confident, and beautiful, then embrace it and enjoy it!

For more information about body sculpting, contact Dr. Ariel Ostad online or call us at 212-517-7900. 

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